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Drive-by shooting makes great action scenes in movies, but the reality is quite different.Drive-by shootings like the one that took place in Kern this summer are terrifying. They are unpredictable, deadly, and it’s not uncommon for innocent bystanders to be hurt or even killed. A...

While many of us have heard the term, obstruction of justice, spoken, few of us know exactly what the phrase means or what the consequences of such a charge are.What is Obstruction of JusticeThe legal dictionary describes obstruction of justice as, “a criminal offense that...

While the act of questioning and processing juveniles differs from adults, the actual arrest doesn’t differ for the two. It doesn’t matter if the police are dealing with an adult or a minor, the arresting officers must read the arrestee their Miranda Rights.What are the...

Several California drivers have found that they didn’t fully appreciate how much independence they enjoyed as a result of their driver’s license until the state suspended that license, making it impossible for the person to drive themselves.Why California Driver’s Licenses Are SuspendedThere are a variety...